Cortege Etiquette
Mourners will greatly appreciate the respect and courtesy you show the deceased and funeral procession.
When you’re in or following a funeral procession
Please find listed below a few useful tips:
  • If you have any special instructions regarding the funeral route please advise the funeral office
  • Details of the expected funeral route can be provided by the funeral office, prior to the funeral
  • The Funeral Director will endeavour to keep the funeral cortège together at all times
  • Turn on your vehicle headlights to indicate to other road users that you are following the funeral procession
  • Keep close to the vehicle in front but at a safe distance to allow adequate braking distance.
If you see a funeral procession
With more traffic on the road today and people leading busier lifestyles, research shows that funeral processions are increasingly falling victim to aggressive overtaking, rude hand gestures, and occasionally verbal abuse and threatening behaviour from impatient drivers. Just like other road users, funeral vehicles in procession must obey all the usual traffic rules.

Please find listed below a few useful tips:
  • If you have any special instructions regarding the funeral route please advise the funeral office
  • Details of the expected funeral route can be provided by the funeral office, prior to the funeral
  • The Funeral Director will endeavour to keep the funeral cortège together at all times
  • Turn on your vehicle headlights to indicate to other road users that you are following the funeral procession
  • Keep close to the vehicle in front but at a safe distance to allow adequate braking distance.